The 12 Zodiacs

The 12 Zodiacs

       The ancients believed that Heaven was the foundation and Earth was the tip. Establishing the Heavenly Stem, the ancients took the Yang number of Ha Do (odd numbers) as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and doubled the number 5 in the middle to include the Yin Stem (at, Dinh, Ky, Tan, Quy) and also the yang can (Giap, Binh, Mau, Canh, Nham), all 10 cans in the order Giap, At, Binh, Dinh, Mau, Ky, Canh, Tan, Nham, Quy.
       Take negative numbers (even numbers) as 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Take the number 6 in the middle and double it to create 12 branches: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig include both yang chi (Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog) and yin chi (Ox, Cat, Snake, Goat, Rooster, Pig).
In ancient times, the sun was used as the basis: "The sun rises to work, the sun sets to rest." On a cloudy day with no sun in sight, I really don't know what to turn to. Legend has it that a man named "Dai Nhieu" established the Ten Cans and the Ten Branches to calculate time.
       The Ten Stems and the Ten Nhi Branches work together to give birth to Six Ten Flowers (a 60-year cycle called Yuan). The calendar and liver chi in the three dynasties of Xia, Shang, and Zhou (in China) are not the same. Currently, the Xia Dynasty calendar is used, which means taking the Tiger month as the beginning of the year.
        Timing according to the can chi is also partly related to the animals' behavior.
1. Rat (23 pm - 1 am): When the rat is very active.
2. Ox (1 am-3 am): When the buffalo is chewing its cud, preparing to plow.
3. Tiger (3 am-5 am): When the tiger is most ferocious.
4. Rabbit (5 am-7 am): Vietnam calls it cat, but China calls it rabbit, when the moon (jade rabbit) is still shining.
5. Dragon (7 am-9 am): When the dragon flock gathers in the rain (dragons dance). Dragons are just animals imagined by people, not real.
6. Snake (9 am-11 am): When snakes do not harm people.
7. Horse (11 am-13 pm): Horses are highly positive.
8. Goat (13 pm-15 pm): When goats eat grass, it does not affect the regrowth of grass.
9. Monkey (15 pm-17 pm): When monkeys like to howl.
10. Rooster (17 pm-19 pm): When the chickens start to go to the coop.
11. Dog (19 pm-21 pm.): When dogs must be alert to look after the house.
12. Pig (21 pm-23 pm): Pig sleeps the deepest.
       Symbolic meaning of "12 Zodiacs"
       In Vietnam, the calendar is made according to the regular changing cycles of the Moon. Because it is based on the Lunar calendar, the exact dates of a new year always change from year to year. Each year is "protected" by one of twelve animals.
       According to the Vietnamese Zodiac, the first animal is the Rat (Ty), then the Ox (Suu) and then in order are the Tiger (Dan), Cat (Mao), Dragon (Dragon), Snake (Ty). Horse (Ngua), Goat (Mui), Monkey (Than), Rooster (Dau), Dog (Tuat) and finally Pig (Hoi). Among these Zodiacs, Thin (dragon) is a mythical animal and Rat, Tiger, Snake and Monkey are wild animals and often avoid meeting humans. The remaining seven are domestic pets. Every 12-year cycle takes on the name of the same animal.